Friday, April 9, 2010

"Think" Fast! Here come the thought police!

Time to whip out the tin foil helmets . . . actually, whole protective body gear would seem more sufficient. Ahh, the good ole' Intel Corp. never disappoints the control freaks, eh? 

Check out some of the other innovations Intel had on display at their event in Mantrackin' ... oops ... 'hattan ...

  • Cell phone technology that would use motion, GPS and audio data gathered through users' cell phones to track what they're doing and who they're with. The technology can distinguish activities such as walking, giving a business presentation and driving. It also compares audio readings from different cell phones to determine who is in the same room. 
  • This would allow users to share their activity information with their close friends and watch avatar versions of their friends throughout the day. It would also let users track and analyze data about how they spend their time.
  • "Dispute Finder" technology that monitors users' conversations and Internet browsing to warn them when they encounter contested or inaccurate information. The software mines the Internet to find instances in which writers have claimed something is untrue. It then uses speech recognition technology to monitor conversations.
  • A transparent holographic shopping display that could be used in department stores to point consumers to featured items. Shoppers could also use the giant screen to search the store's inventory, call up maps, and send item information to their cell phones.
  • A TV set-top box that connects wirelessly to your laptop and monitors your Internet search history, as well as your TV viewing, to offer relevant video.

    Yeah, s-u-u-u-u-u-r-e . . .  Like "my friends" want to watch an avatar version of me throughout the day. Oh, and I desperately need to "track and analyze data about how I spend my time" - if that isn't one of the phoniest of baloney's imitation 'meat' has to offer, I might choke some down, not. (Ugh, disgusting!) I KNOW how I spend my time and if anyone wants to analyze anything, they should analyze how they spend their own time getting their heads out of their 'arse'. 
    Conversation Monitoring... Which is actually Wiretapping yourself, Bugging yourself... 
    As far as the holographic shopping display, that's the same as putting a paper bag over someone's face - no matter what 'illusion' you're fed, the face of reality (or an ass full of cellulite) still remains . . . exactly . . . the . . . same. 
    A TV set-top box to monitor my internet search history, etc... Oh WOW!!! What a crock of bio-engineered bi-products! As if Big Brother isn't already on top of that... Pffff ... For the true idiots - even more dumbed-down spying gear for ole' Big Brother, by the Idiot Box! 

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